Monday, October 10, 2005

Vote for Stars in the Radios and MTV

Promote in websites! Request for STARS
99.5 RT

Jam 88.3 - Request on the Tagboard

103.5 Klite

Direct Song Request:
103.5 Klite Direct Song Request

Rx93.1 Song Request

99.5 RT

Radio Forum Sites: (tell your DJ to play Stars) Note: If you want to
post in many DJ forums, make sure you're not using the same account!
Do not FLOOD (posting repeated of the same messages) the forums or you
will be kicked out.

Magic 89.9 FM Forum

Anything Goes Forum:
103.5 Klite Anything Goes Forum

Music Video Forum:
103.5 Klite MTV Forum

Email the stations to play STARS! Every Hour! Every time you touch your email.