Magic 89.9 Interview with Jerome Fontamillas
Magic 89.9 Interview with Jerome Fontamillas of Switchfoot 11am, Nov 24.2005!
Lets listen!
Magic 89.9 Interview with Jerome Fontamillas of Switchfoot 11am, Nov 24.2005!
Lets listen!
Funny video about how to defend yourself using a guitar. By Tim Foreman featuring the Switchfoot members. Click below, quick!
Click on the title to see a homevideo of the Release Party of THe Beautiful Letdown. And see all other OTHER videos of Switchfoot.
Here are banners you can use to show your support for Jerome. The Filipino keyboard/guitarist of Switchfoot. Spread the good cheer to all!
The Switchfoot Frappr (online Map)! The Philippines:
I set this up for us fans in the world, its based on GoogleMaps and can show you where us Switchfoot fans are! Fun! Leave your email if you want a fellow nearby fan to contact you.
Combine a popular Anime or Cartoon scenes to your favorite songs, and you get: 'Animé Music Videos'. Completely unofficial but very creative!